If you have not already set forth an effective plan to make sure that your oral health care is in good standing, it is important to do so. Furthermore, consider all oral health risks and conditions that could lead to poor oral health. For instance, did you know that diabetes can drastically affect the health of your smile? To make... read more »
When you have issues associated with oral accidents or injuries, it's always good to have a dental emergency prevention plan in place. Before professional care can be given, it's always a good idea to have very treatments and techniques in place to minimize damage so that further issues do not arise. If you suffer an accident that has left you... read more »
Has it been awhile since you’ve visited a dentist? Are you delaying making an appointment because you just don’t know what to expect? Today we would like to help put you at ease by dispelling the uncertainty that may reside within you. What happens in a dental visit? We would like to know your health history so we can have... read more »
How would you rank your oral health care? Would you say you're doing enough to keep your smile safe throughout the year from all oral health hazards and dental damage risks that arise? Although we often think about oral accidents and injuries such as blunt trauma or dental erosion that may arise due to harmful acids in your mouth, we... read more »
One of the biggest risks to your oral health is often done on a microscopic level. Even if you cannot tell that dental damage is being done, it is possible your teeth are slowly being worn away. This process is known as dental erosion, also called dental erosion. It arises when harmful acids on your teeth and gums begin... read more »
Caring for your smile for the holidays should be at the top of your wish list. By the time your permanent teeth grow in, it is important to always make sure they're well taken care of, so you do not suffer any tooth death or any other form of dental damage. Your oral health care consists of many facets, and... read more »
A tooth lost to untreated tooth decay or a severe dental trauma can certainly limit your basic oral function. If the tooth was in the back of your mouth, it could impair your ability to chew and grind food before safe swallowing. If the tooth was located near the front of your mouth, it could alter the appearance of your... read more »
Toothpaste is a handy tool that can assist you in cleaning your teeth every day. However, that’s only the case if you choose the right type of toothpaste for your smile. To help you choose the best toothpaste on the store shelves, Dr. Anthony Petchalonis and our dental team would like to share a few toothpaste facts with you. When... read more »
If you have a chomper that needs covering, a dental crown is the way to do it: oral crowns, which are prosthetic oral apparatuses, cover teeth for restorative purposes. Crowns are often used when a cavity portends the wellbeing of a tooth, but there are other reasons why our dentist might endorse them. Here are a few of them: -Using... read more »
Dental emergencies happen, even when you’re on vacation, and it’s important to take care of the situation right away. To help you care for a knocked-out tooth while you’re away from home, our dentist, Dr. Anthony Petchalonis, and dental team have some tips and information for you. The first thing you should do is contact a local dental office. When... read more »