When a Petchalonis Dental & Associates dentists cements a bridge into place, it is with the intention that it will last for a very long time to come. Yet there are instances when problems with chronic gum disease, or a blow to the face, can compromise the cement holding your bridge in place. If either end of a bridge feels... read more »
As most people know, gingivitis is something you should try to avoid. However, do you know what gingivitis actually is? Or what it can do to your teeth? Similarly, did you know that you could have it and not even know it? You see, if plaque isn’t removed, it will eventually turn into tartar. Unfortunately, tartar usually builds up is... read more »
A crown essentially replaces the enamel layer of a tooth with an artificial material that is not subject to the corrosive effects of bacteria and tooth decay. In the majority of cases, a crown is called for to restore a tooth that has been compromised by advanced tooth decay. This also extends to teeth that have lost multiple fillings or... read more »
As you may already know, tooth decay is a serious dental issue that needs to be prevented as much as possible. However, that might be a difficult task if you’re not sure what causes tooth decay in the first place. So, to help you keep your smile and oral health in tip-top shape, our Petchalonis Dental & Associates team is... read more »