A Guide to Halitosis

Have you ever heard of halitosis? You may know it as bad breath. It may be caused by something you ate, but there are other causes, as well. If you suffer from chronic halitosis, it’s time to contact your dentist. Here are some things your dentist may want to know: - Do you suffer from any liver and kidney ailments,... read more »

Whiten Your Teeth From a Professional

If you are looking to rid your smile of stains, you are not alone. Coffee, teas, and even alcoholic beverages can darken your teeth and leave stains. That is why having your teeth cleaned by a professional is always ideal to rid your smile of tough stains and discoloration. Here at Petchalonis Dental & Associates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, our team... read more »

Common Toothache Causes

The discomfort associated with a toothache is one of those things that reminds us we need to take good care of our teeth. When we get lazy with our oral hygiene, our teeth have a way of letting us know about it. There are many causes for a toothache, and almost all of them are preventable! Sometimes a toothache is... read more »

Do You Floss Your Teeth Correctly?

Do you floss your teeth correctly? Did you know that even missing a single tooth each time you floss can still be catastrophic for your oral health, as even the smallest amount of plaque buildup can put your teeth and gums at risk? Because of this, it is important to always clean around each and every tooth making sure not... read more »

What Are the Different Types of Mouthwash?

Do you get overwhelmed at the store when buying mouthwash? If so, there is no need to stress. Dr. Anthony Petchalonis and our dental team are happy to tell you all about the two different types of mouthwash so you know which product to buy for you and your family. The first valuable mouthwash is therapeutic mouthwash. This rinse is... read more »

Missing Teeth: The Facts

It can be embarrassing to smile if you have a missing tooth. Similarly, you might sometimes have a hard time eating or chewing or making certain sounds because of a missing tooth. If you have this problem, you probably know that there are many solutions that could benefit you. Still, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our dentist quickly if... read more »

A Tooth with Fractured Enamel Might Need to Be Repaired with a Crown

Tooth enamel is designed to give your teeth the strength to bite and chew common foods. However, there are still times when something like a blow to the face or grinding your teeth at night can fracture a tooth. This can impair the function and appearance of the tooth and even cause issues with heightened sensitivity. If the fracture is... read more »

Healthy Eating and Healthy Teeth

When you worry about the health of your teeth – and the rest of your mouth, for that matter – do you ever take the time to think that your diet may have an impact in this regard? If not, don’t worry – many people fail to make this important connection. However, it’s very important to realize there is a... read more »

How to Prevent Cavities

They're one of the most common dental problems in the country, and yet cavities are also the most easily preventable. You just have to brush twice a day and floss and your teeth will thank you for it by not falling apart! However, a lot of people still need a few tips on how to take care of their teeth... read more »